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Divorce Financial Planning

Even a “friendly” divorce creates significant stress and long-lasting financial challenges. It’s a traumatic life event that triggers emotions such as anger, anxiety, worry, and confusion. There are so many decisions to be made during this stressful time, and the wrong choices can have devastating results for many years to come.  For assistance check out our checklist for a financially sound separation.

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Divorce attorneys are generally focused on the legal aspects of divorce and may not have as much experience with complex financial matters. Whether you’re pursuing a traditional dissolution, working through mediation, or taking the collaborative route, working with a financial planner who has a deep understanding of divorce issues can protect your financial interests today and down the road.

Amy Bouchie is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® professional with extensive training that’s focused on the many financial aspects of divorce. After all, your divorce will affect your financial well-being for the rest of your life. We’ll work with you to forecast the long-term financial effects of your divorce settlement, including realistic budgets, living costs, tax impacts, insurance, and preparation for retirement. If you have children, we’ll also address their financial needs.

We’ll prepare a detailed Divorce Financial Analysis that identifies the potential financial outcomes of proposed divorce settlement options and helps you understand how the terms of the settlement will affect the rest of your life. We’ll examine your assets to strive to ensure that you receive a fair share and provide frank answers to your questions. By the end of the process, you’ll make decisions with confidence, and won’t have to worry about settling for less than you deserve.

If you’ve recently been divorced or widowed, you may be overwhelmed. We understand how that feels, but we know it’s important to take steps to restore and aim to protect your financial well-being. We’ll walk beside you on your journey.

Contact us today at 812-619-9050 or julie@newhorizonsfc.net for a free, no-obligation consultation.